Monday, December 17, 2012

Check this out!!! You can win a 100 KD

Check this out!!! You can win a 100 KD

How can you win a 100 KD?

Its simple.. comment at least three times a week on my posts, and get the chance to win a 100 KD.

A random withdrawal will be at the end of every month.

Welcome to the Blog...

Welcome to the Blog...

Hello to all my readers,

Welcome to my blog.

Please feel free to watch this video...

As I said in the video above, am going to talk about my own experience in this blog. This is the first post about my pregnancy experience.

12:00 A.M Calls …
On my first months of pregnancy, I did not have any idea of what I should or should not do. So I always call my sister and ask her the most silly questions. Once I called her and asked her if it is ok for a pregnant woman to eat from Macdonalds. I really did not have any idea of what to do. So, this motivated me to help pregnant women who do not know what to do as I did by creating this blog.

I hope that the information am posting are useful to you.

Nfass Time

Nfass Time…

For the new mama…

Well, in Kuwait almost all women who delivered a baby must go into ‘’Nfass’’ period. ‘’Nfass’’ is a period of time that last for 40 days after delivering. During these days you must get good care. Even though you will not be happy of what you will look like, you must know how to take care of your body during this period by having the proper food. You will notice that your mother plays an obvious part in this period by taking care of you and insist that you have your ‘’Hessu’’. Your mother must set a special eating system. She must know how prepares the ‘’Hessu’’ for you. 

 ‘’Hessu’’ is a special natural Arab medicine that includes herbs and seeds like ‘’Hilba’’ and ‘’Yanson’’; which affect the body in a good way. Although it tastes really bad, it makes the muscles and bones stronger and takes out all the blood and dirt from your body. You must take the ‘’Hessu’’ for the first 10 days after delivering. In addition, in the first days after delivering you must try to walk to make your bones stronger. After 10 days you must bring ‘’Radada’’ a woman who makes massage for you, we called her ‘’Radada’’ which means to return the muscles to their real place. You must also take care of your baby by breast feed him.  Breast feeding has lots of benefit for the baby. Breast feeding protects your baby from a long list of illnesses and can protect your baby from developing allergies

What to do after ‘’Nfass’’?  The answer is easy… GO SHOPPING. Well, all the extra weight you gained are almost gone. NO MORE BIG TUMMY!!! Now you can wear whatever you want!!! Am a nine month pregnant and I cannot wait to finish my ‘’Nfass’’, so I can wear beautiful outfit! I think that all pregnant women went through my own experience. Every time I noticed that I gained weight I start to cry! Before being pregnant my weight was exactly 49 Kg, now am 65 Kg!  And yes it is a lot of weight. So I was not comfortable with how I looked like, because nothing looked good on me. So what am trying to say is accept the weight you are gaining because it is for having a healthy baby. Then, there will be a time that you will lose all the weight you gained and you will be beautiful again.